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USDA deputy secretary plans 2nd trip to Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Krysta Harden will lead a trade mission to Accra, Ghana Nov. 17-20, to expand export opportunities for American agriculture.

   U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Krysta Harden will lead a trade mission to Accra, Ghana Nov. 17-20, to expand export opportunities for American agriculture products in sub-Saharan Africa.
   Harden lead a similar trip to the African region two years ago to kick off the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Sub-Saharan African Trade Initiative. 
   “I am excited to return to Africa with a new group of U.S. agricultural leaders to further explore market opportunities, especially for small, minority and women-owned businesses,” she said in a statement.
   The delegation is expected to meet with potential customers from more than a dozen countries across sub-Saharan Africa, building relationships and learning about the market conditions and business potential in the region. These interactions will help these companies develop strategies to “start or expand sales to these key markets,” USDA said.
   Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the fastest growing markets for U.S. agricultural products. According to the USDA, agricultural exports from the United States to the region have grown by more than 50 percent, totaling $2.3 billion in 2014. “Exports of consumer-oriented products have grown by nearly 90 percent in just five years, from $480 million in 2010 to a record $909 million in 2014,” USDA said.

Chris Gillis

Located in the Washington, D.C. area, Chris Gillis primarily reports on regulatory and legislative topics that impact cross-border trade. He joined American Shipper in 1994, shortly after graduating from Mount St. Mary’s College in Emmitsburg, Md., with a degree in international business and economics.