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USTR will pore over input on wine sales

Complaint alleges British Columbia gives unfair advantage to province’s vintners.

   The Office of the United States Trade Representative is accepting comments on its World Trade Organization dispute with Canada over wine sales in grocery stores in British Columbia.
   Comments should be submitted on or before July 20 to ensure timely consideration by the USTR.
   According to the Federal Register, the United States last year requested consultations with Canada regarding measures maintained by British Columbia governing the sale of wine in grocery stores. The United States alleged that those measures provide advantages to British Columbia wine through the granting of exclusive access to the retail channel on grocery store shelves while limiting imported wine to be sold only through a so-called “store within a store.” 
   The parties failed to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution to the dispute, and on May 25, the United States requested that the WTO establish a panel to consider the U.S. complaint. The United States alleges that British Columbia’s measures are inconsistent with Canada’s obligations under Article III of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994.