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Voltera helps stand up zero-emission operations

Companies should be all-in on infrastructure-charging strategy before pursuing it, Voltera executive says

This fireside chat is from FreightWaves’ Net-Zero Carbon Summit on Thursday

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Tech in action: Voltera

DETAILS: Companies eager to pursue a zero-emissions strategy could be best served choosing a partner that knows the charging infrastructure landscape and how to navigate it, says Jonathan Colbert, vice president of marketing for Voltera.


“We want our customers and partners to press the easy button.”

“If you are talking about a large fleet and wanting to scale, it’s so hard to do it on-site.”

“Drayage has been a primary focus for us. … The use case is that drayage is perfectly aligned with electric vehicles. You’re talking about very short turnarounds for the actual commute from the ports to inland terminals, and the performance you get from the electric vehicle makes it a very pleasurable ride for the driver.”

“If you are not all the way in transition to zero-emission vehicle fleet, you can’t pilot it.

“As you transition from pilot to full-on scale, you have to future-proof your facility. You have to be thinking long term. These investments are not small.”