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Weekend Wrapup: Amazon deals, emergency air cargo, and vaccines

Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves

Every FreightWaves article is designed to help our readers become the most informed professionals in the transportation and logistics industry. These articles may have flown under your radar this week, but we consider them essential reading:

Talk of Amazon deals heated up this week, with rumors of the e-commerce giant looking at acquiring one of several department store chains, along with several large real estate deals, before ending the with week announcing the acquisition of self-driving startup Zoox for over $1 billion

Air cargo rates are falling as emergency medical supplies like personal protective equipment (PPE) are being replaced by consumer goods. Congestion is still high at air cargo hubs though as the reduction in international flights means air cargo capacity is still tight. 

Plans for how to distribute a vaccine for Covid-19 with speed and safety are being contemplated at many large global supply chain companies. It is a task that is a once-in-a-lifetime challenge for many professionals.  

Wrapping up the week with some good news for the University of Arkansas, where its Sam M. Walton College of Business claimed the No. 1 spot in Gartner’s 2020 ranking of Supply Chain Management undergraduate programs in North America. The complete rankings can be found here

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Kevin Hill

Kevin Hill is the executive publisher at FreightWaves, where he formerly served as director of editorial and research. Kevin is also the host of Put That Coffee Down, the popular freight sales podcast, a former freight broker and the founder of CarrierLists. Kevin holds an MBA from the University of Oklahoma.

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