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Weekend Wrapup: Tort reform, guns, and safety

A policeman writes a report at the scene of a trucking accident. (Shutterstock)

Every FreightWaves article is designed to help our readers become the most informed professionals in the transportation and logistics industry. These articles may have flown under your radar this week, but we consider them essential reading:

Would trucking companies allow drivers to conceal carry even if it was legal? — It depends on the size of the trucking company, according to a FreightWaves survey.  

Louisiana lawmakers take a step to limit nuclear verdicts against trucking companies — It’s now up to the governor of Louisiana to sign the bill into law. 

It’s time to keep truckers safer — David Braunstein, president of Together for Safer Roads, recaps what’s being done to keep trucking safe. 

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Kevin Hill

Kevin Hill is the executive publisher at FreightWaves, where he formerly served as director of editorial and research. Kevin is also the host of Put That Coffee Down, the popular freight sales podcast, a former freight broker and the founder of CarrierLists. Kevin holds an MBA from the University of Oklahoma.