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WFP worries about food-aid deliveries in Haiti

WFP worries about food-aid deliveries in Haiti

   The United Nations World Food Program warned that continued looting of food aid in civil war-ravaged Haiti will make it extremely difficult for it to support the population in most need.

   On Sunday, a crowd of looters raided a World Food Program warehouse in the northern city of Cap Haitien, with a loss of 800 metric tons of food, mostly vegetable oil and pulses.

   “Unless security improves soon, we will see a sharp rise in human suffering, especially among the poor,” said WFP country director Guy Gauvreau, in a statement. “We have not witnessed the full extent of the crisis yet.”

   The World Food Program said it still has sufficient stocks either in Haiti or on the way to the country for about 373,000 people in need of food aid.

   According to Haiti’s food security commission, the country produces only 55 percent of its total food requirements. “Even in rural areas, farmers depend to a large degree on imported foods,” the WFP said.