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White Paper: 5 Ways ELDs Can Enhance Your Operation

Robust Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) are able to track driver hours and ensure compliance to Hours of Service (HOS) regulations, but electronic logging is just one component of a larger mobile fleet management solution.

The right technology gives you insight into problems you didn’t know existed and greatly reduces tedious manual processes. Fleets using a flexible ELD solution gain the following benefits:

  • Eliminate hours of service violations
  • Increase profit margin with improved fuel efficiency
  • Retain their best drivers with metric-based incentive plans
  • Improve fleet safety
  • Improve customer service

A robust ELD solution can provide fleets with a convenient HOS tool and a wide array of fleet optimization capabilities. 5 Ways ELDs Can Enhance Your Operation outlines all the ways this technology can provide a competitive advantage for your fleet. Download the ebook today.

Solera Fleet Solutions brings together the industry’s leading brands, including Omnitracs, SmartDrive, SuperVision, Spireon, and eDriving, benefiting fleets of all sizes and industries. Our unmatched breadth and depth of capability provides a seamless experience and helps fleets attract and retain the best talent. Solera Fleet Solutions is relentlessly focused on driver safety, maximizing productivity – on and off the road – and managing fleet compliance, improving driver and fleet performance.