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White Paper: 5 Ways Top Fleets Maximize the Benefits of Custom Apps

70% of the 20 largest fleets are transforming the driver experience by using their own custom-built solutions.

Next-generation ELDs have open platforms, more device options, and a consumer-style user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Yet, no product offers a one-size-fits-all solution. The pre-packaged features and functions are either too sparse or cookie-cutter to meet each fleet’s unique specifications.

That’s why many fleets (including 14 of the 20 largest fleets out there today) have built their own custom app to give drivers everything they need, where and when they need it. 

Learn more in “5 Ways Top Fleets Maximize the Benefits of Custom Apps.”

In this white paper, you will discover how fleets use their custom-built driver apps to improve:

  • Driver communications
  • Trip planning
  • Safety and compliance
  • Customer service 
  • Design flexibility

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About Eleos

At Eleos, we’re passionate about our customers and the custom mobile apps we help carriers create for their drivers. Custom apps allow fleets to run their business in the way that works best for them, giving them the flexibility and control to create a driver experience that is unique to their organization – and we love being a part of the process. As we help fleets develop better tools, we aspire to be known for our innovation, reliability, and ability to make a difference for them and their drivers.