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White Paper: Empty Miles Are Everyone’s Burden

Today's shippers on the problem and reduction of non-revenue miles

Currently, 87 million metric tons of truckload freight’s annual carbon emissions can be traced to non-revenue—or empty—miles. This long-standing supply chain pain point has its roots in the 1970s oil crisis, when rising fuel costs first exacerbated the expense of driving empty miles. While this economic hardship is most apparent for carriers, the pain doesn’t stop there.

In an effort to understand shippers’ perspectives on empty miles, as well as available solutions to reduce them, Convoy partnered with FreightWaves to survey FreightWaves’ shipper audience. This white paper presents the resulting data from 208 shipper respondents across a diverse range of industries. The findings demonstrate that while shippers are becoming more cognizant of empty miles, gaps in knowledge still exist, especially within smaller companies with limited transportation budgets. Of those shippers more familiar with the problems that empty miles create, a large majority don’t believe adequate solutions are available.

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