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White Paper: How does intermodal fit into shipper sustainability strategies?

Transportation is the largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter, contributing nearly a third of U.S. emissions according to the Environmental Protection Agency. And with 70% of the nation’s freight moving via truck on an annual basis, adopting more sustainable tactics will be critical for shippers to shrink their carbon footprints. 

A sustainable alternative to motor freight is readily available: intermodal. Rail transportation as an additional mode of transportation has environmental and cost-saving benefits.

In a recent survey, FreightWaves and Uber Freight surveyed enterprise shippers to explore how intermodal fits into their sustainability plans.

Insights include:

  • Sustainability goals and commitments of shippers
  • Intermodal as an emissions reducer
  • View of impact of regulation

Download the complimentary report today to access the full insights.