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Who’s replacing Dooner? — Put That Coffee Down (with video)

With Dooner leaving the PTCD desk, who can fill his shoes? This week it’s Blythe Brumleve

Last week we learned the sad news that Dooner will step away from Put That Coffee Down to focus on WHAT THE TRUCK?!? Kevin Hill announced Wednesday he will be bringing on special co-hosts to fill the void.
Put That Coffee Down is sponsored by SalesForce

Blythe Brumleve, a guest on PTCD in late November, will co-host the show through the end of the year. 

Brumleve runs Brumleve Brands and Digital Dispatch and just launched Freight School Playbook to help people navigate the world of logistics. 

In this episode, Hill and Brumleve discuss emotional intelligence in marketing, the “tag versus no tag” mentality on LinkedIn, changing how you act on different social media platforms and the difference between marketing and sales. 

Brumleve says marketing and sales go hand-in-hand with the requirement that salespeople and marketers need to have an emotional understanding of their clients to make sales stick. 

Hill talks about the debate from last week with author Paul Ross and loops it into an article written by American psychologist Daniel Goleman about the five elements to being emotionally intelligent. 

This week’s guest is FreightWaves Executive Vice President of Content Emily Szink, who explains how she relates her experience in reporting to persuasion in sales. 

Szink says she utilized emotional intelligence to get her through the tough job of covering a crime beat and points to being empathetic as her biggest key to being successful in her job. 

Brumleve asks Szink about the difficulty of maintaining emotional health through the hard times, specifically around PTSD from covering traumatic events. 

Szink acknowledges it is difficult to process some things but that slowing down, listening and letting people have the space to express their emotions is incredibly helpful. 

The last major point Szink hits on is the difference between being confident and cocky in your abilities, specifically with sales. She says knowing that difference will help keep your credibility and allow people to connect with you on a deeper level. 
You can find more Put That Coffee Down recaps and recaps for all our live podcasts here.

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