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World Food Program asks for $11 million to feed Sudanese refugees

World Food Program asks for $11 million to feed Sudanese refugees

   The United Nations World Food Program has asked international donors for $11 million to feed Sudanese refugees entering Chad.

   In recent weeks, about 95,000 refugees have fled fighting between forces loyal to the Sudan government in Khartoum and the Sudan Liberation Movement.

   World Food Program has already borrowed 500 tons from its limited food stocks in Chad to feed the refugees. “The humanitarian situation in the border area has quickly become very serious and as the need for assistance grows, food and relief stocks are dwindling,” Philippe Guyon Le Bouffy, World Food Program’s representative in Chad, said in a Jan. 13 statement.

   World Food Program has increased its operational capacity in Abeche, Chad, near the border with Sudan, through an early December airlift of equipment, including two four-wheel drive vehicles, four pre-fabricated warehouses, rub halls and medical kits. TPG/TNT managed the shipment from Italy.