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YRC reorganizes U.S. operating structure into four divisions, 17 operational areas

YRC reorganizes U.S. operational reporting structure (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

Less-than-truckload (LTL) carrier YRC Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ:YRCW) has reorganized into four nationwide divisions and 17 operational areas that will support its terminal operations, with its YRC Freight national unit and its three regional operating units reporting to T.J. O’Connor, YRC’s chief operating officer, according to a company document reviewed by FreightWaves.

Under the new structure, which takes effect immediately, the reporting chart at YRC Freight and at YRC’s three regional units – New Penn, Holland and Reddaway – will be combined into a single “leadership team” reporting to O’Connor. A new “enterprise operations” team will be headed by Don Hinkle, YRC’s vice president of operations. The four division vice presidents are Dan Rentfle, who will head up the eastern division; Bill Gordon in the central U.S.; Mike Potter in the southern U.S.; and Bob Mosher in the western U.S., according to the memo.

The move is aimed at streamlining the parent’s operational reporting structure, and there will be no change to the existing operating companies and brands, YRC CEO Darren D. Hawkins said in the memo. There had been rumors that such a move would be part of a larger strategy to consolidate all four operating companies into one brand doing business as YRC Freight.

The changes will “allow us to take advantage of the many strengths throughout the enterprise and will better align our cost structure to what is an increasingly dynamic marketplace,” Hawkins said in the memo, which was circulated on October 4.

Management had telegraphed significant operational changes in the wake of the five-year collective bargaining agreement ratified by the Teamsters union earlier this year, and the more recent financial restructuring that gave the company more breathing room on its debt repayment obligations. YRC has already announced that it will close 25 terminals by the end of the year, and announced last week that it would consolidate one YRC Freight terminal into two Holland terminals in northern Michigan. YRC operates more than 300 terminals across the country.

As part of the reorganization, New Penn President Howard Moshier will leave the company on October 31, Hawkins said. Moshier began his career in 1989 with the old Roadway Express, which the former Yellow Freight System Inc. acquired in 2003. He was named New Penn president in 2017. 

YRC recently announced that New Penn would close its headquarters operations in Lebanon, Pennsylvania and shift those functions to YRC’s base in Overland Park, Kansas. New Penn was founded in Lebanon in 1931.

YRC did not comment directly on the existence of the memo.


  1. Lee

    I have a suggestion for Darren Hawkins CEO of YRC. Do away with the bonuses for yourself and all corporate officers,area managers,and terminal managers as long as there are union employees who are on lay-off status. This seems like the fair thing to do.

  2. Scott

    9 years….just last 9 more years…then, I’m retiring. LOL!!! SSI plus personal investments, I’ll be good. No, I’m not planning on a pension, the Union screwed the pooch on that one!!

  3. Carmine

    So many chiefs, not enough indians.. The company is crumbling, dieing a slow death. They’ve merged the sales of YRC & Holland, we know what’s next.. Just time. The pension is dead. The only good thing right now is the medical. 20.00 co-pay isn’t bad. As for the cost of meds, I haven’t payed that much. Time will tell..

  4. Fred

    The management at yellow killed the roadway express way of doing things…roadway owed no ome any money and was thriving…thanks mike wickem for selling out for personal gain….appreciate it…scumbag

  5. Dale Harp

    Turn the trucks up that is the bottom line it doesn’t matter how many changes they have none will work until the trucks are turned up so we can compete with other companies

    1. Bobby

      100 percent and tack those automatic back looks off others companies know we have it and they try to lock them up on purpose I’m sure it will be great in the winter

    1. Bobby

      Nice 25 years and I’m still making the same amount plus I’m not getting a pension also please take the avertisment on the back of the trailers that say you pay 100 percent of our benefits because you don’t every time I go to the doctors it costs me 20 dollars plus medicine 40 dollars do the math thanks for nothing now you closing more terminals do you have any idea how you screw people’s lives up you gave up some of the best terminals for crap 💩

      1. Fred

        The management at yellow killed the roadway express way of doing things…roadway owed no ome any money and was thriving…thanks mike wickem for selling out for personal gain….appreciate it…scumbag

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