One load wonders: shining a light on dark capacity
Presented by Trucker Tools…
Presented by Trucker Tools…
The container, processed with the revolutionary new CargoX Smart B/L™, has been released successfully in the Port of Koper, Slovenia (EU) on Monday, 20 August
In partnership with Reliance Partners …A survey of nearly 16,000 warehouse workers uncovers three key factors to attracting and retaining supply chain talent in anticipation of holiday peak season and single-digit unemployment rate.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …If you are a smaller company – be it a carrier, owner-operator, broker or shipper – are you really safe from a cyberattack? Here’s what you can do to protect yourself.
In partnership with Reliance Partners …If you’re obsessed with growth, you’ll love the report. If you’re obsessed with logistics and the movement of freight, you’ll love the news even more.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …Running under your own authority offers plenty of challenges, but some would have it no other way. One of the biggest challenges is finding freight.
The idea behind the new training program is to work with the drivers involved in an incident right away, wherever they are, and not eat up too much of their time.
Techpertise together with TMW Systems …Millions of IoT devices are uploading vast quantities of data to the cloud, clogging network bandwidth and creating huge data lakes that still have to be navigated. It’s time for computing power to decentralize again, and move back to onboard devices.
The Freight Movement is in partnership with Arrive Logistics …The continued speculation over global trade and tariffs has increased the uncertainty that manufacturers and the businesses that support them face, but it hasn’t dampened optimism.
In partnership with Reliance Partners …Among other things, women are known to take fewer risks on the road and also drive more carefully compared to men, thereby reducing the number of accidents caused due to negligence.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …Short-term insurance plans can be a life saver during gaps in coverage, but with new rules allowing them to extend up to 3 years, it’s important to understand what they cover and what they do not.
In partnership with Reliance Partners …Savvy companies know how to utilize technology to help solve retention issues, which, with patience, will lead to stronger quarters.
Techpertise together with TMW Systems …Smart city technology, which connects people, vehicles, infrastructure, and organizations, has come to Columbus, Ohio. The city announced its Connected Vehicle Environment project which seeks to reduce congestion and accidents on the city’s busiest roadways.
We consistently hear from shippers that the contractual freight process is failing them. It’s a slow and static process that is misaligned with the fast-paced and volatile freight market. Today, we are announcing Dynamic Backup giving shippers real-time, guaranteed prices for contractual freight. Read the Full Blog Post
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …When it comes time to replace tires, whether they are on the tractor or the trailer, more fleets are turning to retreads as a cost-effective alternative to new tires.
Sponsored by Reliance Partners…The DOT’s pilot program to study the feasibility of 18-21-year-old drivers will have an insurance impact, but what exactly do insurance providers think of the proposal?
Recently we had the honor of hosting Ellen Voie, founder, President, and CEO of Women In Trucking Association (WIT) at Convoy HQ. WIT’s mission is to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments, and minimize obstacles faced by women working in the trucking industry. Read the Full Blog Post
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …During a period of crisis in their lives, truck drivers often have nowhere to turn. But, there are several charities available to assist during these emotional times.
FreightWaves’ coverage of Distributed 2018, a leading enterprise blockchain conference, continues.
There’s a side of the trucking industry most don’t see. Look behind the hardened exterior and you’ll find a community of people dedicated to both their profession and their community. Read the Full Article
The current freight marketplace makes one thing clear, America needs more trucking companies. Capacity is at historic lows and rates are skyrocketing nationwide. Read the Full Blog Post
In partnership with Reliance Partners …With autonomous vehicles virtually at our doorstep, it is becoming mission critical for carriers and drivers to protect themselves. Points of vulnerability will be exploited by those who seek to cause harm, economically or otherwise.
Techpertise together with TMW Systems …We’ve known for years that public blockchains needed a second layer for throughput and privacy, but only now are solutions for the largest networks being built out and tested.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …When owner-operators and small fleets make the decision to expand their businesses by adding trucks and people, they often turn to the online payroll systems to pay them.
Some companies think they have it tough when setting up and orchestrating the delivery networks that shuttle their products from point of origin to end customer, but J.R. Butler faces some especially high hurdles. Read the Full Blog Post
Sponsored by Reliance Partners…Other than the economy slowing and unemployment rising, is there a solution to the driver problem?
From the first DOT week with ELDs to unprecedented load-to-truck ratios in California to the start of the summer season, the past few weeks have been overwhelming for many shippers. Companies are paying more than ever to move their products and carriers are failing on loads or rejecting primary freight, leading to a very hot […]
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …Weigh station bypass systems are an often-overlooked way for drivers to save both time and money.
In June 2018 Convoy surveyed over 300 small and mid-sized trucking companies across the United States to collect a snapshot of the industry. Survey participants include dispatchers and owner-operators. All the results are self-reported by the participants. Read the Full Blog Post
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …Drivers can potentially benefit from added flexibility by utilizing the current split sleeper provision allowed under hours-of-service laws.
Techpertise together with TMW Systems …A shortage of maintenance technicians is making unplanned downtime more costly than ever. We talked to Renaldo Adler from TMW to find out how predictive maintenance can cut roadside breakdowns by 70%.
Sponsored by Reliance Partners…On the heels of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s announcement regarding the Solving for Safety Visualization Challenge, FreightWaves spoke with Reliance Partners’ John Seidl to learn more about risk management in the industry.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …Market conditions might make the timing right for truckers set a more fuel-efficient vehicle speed.
Sponsored by Reliance Partners…There are a lot of reasons why it’s hard for owner-operators to get the best deal possible on their truck insurance. Owner-operators are busy.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …For some owner-operators, Obamacare provided a path to insurance coverage. For others, the mandate was government overreach. This is starting to change, but what is not is the increasing costs of health care.
Techpertise together with TMW Systems …We explore blockchain’s scalability challenges and some recent techniques that attempt to solve the problem, along with the tradeoffs involved.
Sponsored by Reliance Partners…One of his specific points of focus for improving driving retention has to do with compensation packages. Compensation packages have become more sophisticated in recent years, but there is room for improvement.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …Starting your own trucking company takes time and planning, but it takes more than just buying a truck and choosing a load.
The health and wellness of professional truck drivers is an increasing concern. This issue was ranked as the 8th most important in the industry by contributors to the American Transportation Research Institute. Read the Full Blog Post
On June 7th, the highest odds for a truck being in a collision will occur between 4 pm and 7 pm and between 9 pm and midnight, accounting for 21% and 19% of the day’s accidents, respectively, almost twice what would be expected if accidents occurred at random times.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …Unless you are one of the many drivers who have proclaimed the next three days as vacation days, there is a good chance you will run into an inspection somewhere. If so, will you be prepared?
Techpertise together with TMW Systems …3Gtms, an emerging next-generation provider of transportation management software, is partnering with 10-4 Systems, a Trimble company, to enhance its platform with cutting edge visibility and analytics solutions.
Sponsored by Reliance Partners…FreightWaves visited the Reliance office in downtown Chattanooga this week to speak with COO and president, Chad Eichelberger and Laura Anne Howell and get a sense of what makes the secret sauce so special.
This article, featured in Startup City magazine, shares how Carggo is using digitization to advance the freight industry.
Everyone sees the market as strong and staying that way, but are there other headwinds in the trucking sector?
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …If your ELD provider suddenly shuts down service and goes out of business, do you know what to do?
Sponsored by Reliance Partners…Depending on the limit and deductible you choose, your trailer interchange coverage should add between $100 and $1500 a year to your overall insurance cost.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …If you’ve fueled up your truck recently, you know that the cost is climbing. Fortunately, there are some driver behaviors that can be changed to minimize fuel usage.
Sponsored by Reliance Partners…Regardless of whether the accident was the driver’s fault, documentation helps support the ease and efficiency of the process. The point is, document first, ask questions later.
The Freight Movement is in partnership with Arrive Logistics …Moving freight to its final destination starts with the ability of a shipper or broker to find available capacity. That load tendering process is rapidly changing.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …One of the most costly tasks for small companies is chasing down accounts for payment, which is why many smaller fleets and owner-operators turn to factoring companies.
FreightWaves has covered Convoy’s Series B funding, as well as their potentially game-changing play to offer “automatic detention pay” for drivers caught in bad shipping detention situations. But only this week Convoy revealed that members of one of the world’s all-time greatest rock bands, U2’s Bono and The Edge, quietly invested in the company last year. Read […]
Techpertise together with TMW Systems …Cooltrax provides Internet of Things devices to monitor temperature-controlled pallets, but also adds data analytics dashboards and insightful KPIs to bring value back to shippers’ logistics operations.
Convoy leverages its tech to give owner-operators the same advantages as large carriers. Read the Full Article
According to at least one analyst, Tesla may be putting its ambitious Semi project on hold as it tries to solve its many other issues, including Model 3 production.
Sponsored by Reliance Partners…Two very different approaches could give some breathing room to the tightening CDL driver shortage.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …For truck owners, it’s become more important than ever to ensure you know where your truck is, because if you don’t, it’s going to cost you.
Brought to you by Reliance Partners…Begin the process by providing clarity and expectations first on the basics, such as driving, detention, and layover, the nuts-and-bolts of the driving job.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …Summer is almost upon us and with that comes hot temperatures. So how can you stay cool, and just as importantly, how can you keep your truck running?
Techpertise together with TMW Systems …There are a number of reasons why throughput is a superior asset utilization metric for transportation companies.
Presented by Reliance Partners…While there are loads of ways to save on insurance costs, some aren’t as realistic as others. We’ve distilled it down to a concentrated Top 5.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …Truck operators have a number of regulations they must meet to operate in California, including trailer and refrigeration unit mandates. Failure to do so can lead to big fines.
Techpertise together with TMW Systems …Artificial intelligence technology is rapidly maturing, and transport and logistics stands to gain the most of almost any industry. We discuss recent work analyzing AI use cases and ROI in transportation.
Presented by Reliance Partners …The jury is still out as to whether or not ELDs actually make our roads safer, but many say they’re working.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …The interview process is just one area where companies can be tripped up by asking the wrong questions, which could potentially place them in legal jeopardy.
Presented by Reliance Partners …CAB compiles data and translates that into actionable information for insurers and underwriters to make more informed decisions on carriers.
At the keynote for the second day, the focus is on the speaker’s three-part book title: machines, crowds and platforms.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …When a customer refuses to pay their bill, or simply delays paying it, brokers and carriers alike can be stuck with a lack of cash on hand and few options.
In partnership with Reliance Partners …It isn’t easy, it isn’t quick, but having a safety culture in your company can pay some clear dividends.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …Large fleets are benefited for years from fuel and maintenance discounts. Now, smaller fleets and owner-operators are starting to reap some of those same benefits.
Digital freight broker Convoy staked their claim in the freight market by doing something that few have had either the ability to or desire to do before: automate detention. Read the Full Article
Presented by Reliance Partners …Cargo theft doesn’t just happen on the road, it can also happen at the warehouse. To prevent it, leading experts noted some of the approaches that scare away thieves.
Techpertise together with TMW Systems …Tim Leonard and Daniel Pickett discussed blockchain in front of an audience of trucking executives at the TCA Annual Convention in Kissimmee, Florida, this week.
Three years after launch, Convoy has gone national. And with it a new detention feature that will automatically pay drivers who are held up for more than 2 hours at a facility. Read the Full Article
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …There are several basic mistakes owner-operators tend to make and each can put their business in jeopardy.
Presented by Reliance Partners …As if insurance requirements are not confusing enough for truckers, there is additional insurance policies some truckers or carriers need that others do not. This includes intermodal insurance coverage
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …Nexus is when a trucking company owes taxes in multiple states, but many companies are not aware of when this happens because of confusing state laws.
When a 3PL is involved in moving goods, there are a number of liability areas where that 3PL could be held responsible, from the actions of the carrier to condition of the goods.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …There is another option to acquiring good paying freight for carriers, and that is government freight.
Presented by Reliance Partners …For truly safe trucking companies, chameleon carriers are a problem. But it is one that data is helping solve.
Techpertise together with TMW Systems …TMW Systems CTO Tim Leonard discussed recent data management white papers and the future of machine learning applications for the trucking industry.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay …There is no shortage of deductions that truckers can take. You just need to know where they are.
Insurance & Risk Management presented by Reliance Partners … U.S. companies moving freight across the border need additional insurance to cover their Mexican drivers, even if it is only within the border zone
Insurance & Risk Management presented by Reliance Partners … While the number of recorded cargo thefts in 2017 declined to 649, the group said, the threat remains, and according to Scott Cornell with Traveler’s Special Investigations Group (SIG), may be underreported.
Techpertise together with TMW SystemsTechnology platforms have enabled the Dart Network to automate the bidding process, leading to a more efficient system that better utilizes company resources.
From a merchant perspective, Shipping with Amazon would provide increased competition in the shipping space, while also providing Amazon with more data about the products people are buying.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPayDetention of drivers remains a significant problem in the industry, with few solutions in sight, although ELDs may be able to help smaller fleets and owner-operators enforce detention policies.
It seems so simple, but basic attention to detail can help prevent an unwanted interaction with law enforcement, which can lead to increased insurance premiums.
Cashflow Corner presented by TriumphPay You’ve taken the leap and decided to purchase your own truck. Or maybe you run a small fleet and have a handful of trucks. In either case, the next challenge is upon you: maintaining those vehicles, because if a truck isn’t running, it isn’t making any money.
Predictive maintenance is something that has been talked about for several years. The ability to identify when particular components might fail, or to proactively replace components before they fail based on past data trends has been referred to as the Holy Grail of vehicle maintenance.
Trucking companies face high insurance costs, and few are higher than new venture insurance for new carriers. Some steps can be taken to help lower that initial cost, though.
With more regional and local deliveries due to e-commerce, there is more opportunity for truck drivers to find less-than-truckload freight, but knowing how it is billed is critical to winning contracts.
As seemingly simple as the rule sounds – ensure food is safe during transport – it is anything but. The FDA’s food safety regulation, says, Sam Rizzitelli, transportation practice lead for the Americas for Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, has opened up new concerns from an insurance impact.
Reliance Partners, a leader in transportation and logistics insurance and risk management, announced today that it joined the Blockchain in Transport Alliance (BiTA).
The demand for tech-based solutions is creating a wave of innovation in the startup world. Keep reading to learn about the top 15 companies who are leading the next era of tech disruption.
Despite all this good news, an underlying problem remains for many truckers – getting paid. There are still some shippers that are dragging their feet when it comes to settling their bills, and that leaves carriers short of cash.
In what will come as little surprise to anyone who has recently renewed their commercial insurance policies, rates are going up. The bad news is that there doesn’t appear to be an immediate end in sight, according to a new report from A.B. Best.
Manual processes may appear cheaper at first, but studies have shown that switching to automated accounting programs for account payables and receivables saves money in the long run, even for small operations.
In the last few weeks, there has been a lot of confusion in the driver community regarding the per diem, which has been eliminated for company drivers under the new Republican tax plan.
Owner-operators have unique insurance needs, and it matters whether you have your own authority or are leased to a carrier. Either way, it’s important to understand what coverage you need and find policies that fit your budget.