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Americas West Coast carriers expand AmPac service

Americas West Coast carriers expand AmPac service

   Hamburg Sud, Compania Chilena de Navegacion Interoceanica and Maruba are expanding their joint AmPac service connecting the West Coast of the Americas and Asia.

   With the addition of an 11th vessel, the 1,750-TEU “Cap Vilano,” the carriers will increase the frequency of southbound port calls at Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala, and Buenaventura, Colombia, from fortnightly to weekly.

   The revised port rotation for the service will be Keelung, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Busan, Vancouver, Long Beach, Manzanillo (Mexico), Puerto Quetzal, Buenaventura, Callao, San Antonio, Antofagasta, Puerto Quetzal (fortnightly), Manzanillo, Long Beach, San Francisco (fortnightly), Seattle (fortnightly), Vancouver (fortnightly) and Keelung.