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VISA ?open season? in full swing

VISA ôopen seasonö in full swing

   The U.S. Maritime Administration has issued notice to U.S.-flag vessel operators that it's now 'open season' for enrollment in the Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement.

   VISA provides commercial sealift and intermodal shipping services and systems, including vessels, ship capacity, intermodal systems and equipment, terminal operations, and related services, to the Defense Department.

   'The purpose of this notice is to invite interested, qualified U.S.-flag vessel operators that are not currently enrolled in the VISA program to participate,' MarAd said in a Federal Register notice. 'The annual enrollment is intended to link the VISA enrollment cycle with DOD's peacetime cargo contracting to ensure eligible participants priority consideration for DOD awards of cargo.'

   MarAd said this is the only planned enrollment period for carriers to join the VISA program and derive benefits for Defense Department peacetime contracts from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30, 2010.

   'The only exception to this open season period for VISA enrollment will be for a non-VISA carrier that reflags a vessel into U.S. registry,' the agency said. 'That carrier may submit an application to participate in the VISA program at any time upon completion of reflagging.'