The U.S. National Industrial Transportation League has started a survey of members of its ocean transportation committee to gather data on whether the ocean carriers of two major transpacific discussion groups are “offering nearly identical contract terms including rates.”
The NIT League said that it started the survey after receiving inquires from several members about service contract negotiation with carriers of the eastbound Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (TSA) and of the Westbound Transpacific Stabilization Agreement (WTSA). Those carrier groups have the authority to discuss rates and issue recommendations for rates, but not to make binding agreements.
“The preliminary information received from League members indicates that TSA and WTSA carriers may not be acting in independent and unrestricted service contract negotiations as was contemplated by the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1998,” the NIT League said.
The League also asked other shipper members outside its ocean transportation committee to submit their responses. The survey, posted at survey.htm, asks individual shippers whether several carriers have requested the same or different rate increases in service contract negotiations. It also asks shippers whether TSA or WTSA carriers have been willing to negotiate on the pricing terms.
The Arlington, Va.-based organization said that individual information will remain confidential, but aggregate information derived from the survey may be published if it is decided to take remedial action.
In March, the NIT League also increased its pressure on the TSA and WTSA carrier groups by asking them to publish their voluntary service contract guidelines.