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Florida increases transportation funding

   Florida Governor Rick Scott signed two bills on Thursday that he said will facilitate economic development by prioritizing state investment in transportation projects, including improvements to Florida’s 14 deepwater seaports.
   Funds available for the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Program have been increased to $15 million from $8 million. That program is managed by the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development
Council, which consists of the fourteen deep water port directors, the executive director of the Governor’s Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development, and the secretaries of transportation and community affairs. The council annually solicits and approves
project applications submitted by each of the individual seaports.
addition, two programs have been created to increase Florida’s investment in

  • The Strategic Port Investment Initiative within the
    Florida Department of Transportation will provide a minimum of $35
    million per year from the State Transportation Trust Fund.
  • The
    Intermodal Logistics Center Infrastructure Support Program will provide
    will provide $5 million per year for roads, rail, or other methods used
    to move goods through a seaport.

   Scott’s office said improvements to Florida’s ports will ensure they are prepared to benefit from the expansion of the Panama Canal, ratified free trade agreements and the growing economies of Central and South America.
   “Well over one million Florida jobs rely on international business, and along with international investment, it accounted for about one-sixth of Florida’s economy last year,” Gov. Scott said. “We want the world to know that Florida is the ideal location to ship products to and from the entire Western Hemisphere.”