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Soo Lock closure lasts longer than expected

The MacArthur Lock, one of the two actively used locks at the Soo Locks complex, is closed until about Aug. 19, as repairs are taking longer than expected.

   The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Detroit District announced this week it extended its original estimate for how long repairs would take on the MacArthur Lock, located on the Soo Locks at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and has projected the resuming of operations to occur about Aug. 19.
   Last week, American Shipper reported on the initial closure of the MacArthur Lock, which was taken out of service as a result of mechanical issues with one set of gates.
   Traffic that typically utilized the lock has been rerouted through the Poe Lock, the only other actively used lock at the Soo Locks complex.
   The MacArthur Lock closed July 29 for de-watering and repairs and was originally estimated to be out of operation for a minimum of 10 days.
   “It’s just it’s really heavy work,” Corps of Engineers Area Engineer Kevin Sprague said. “Gates are heavy. Everything about it is heavy and slow work.”
   As of Sunday, Aug. 9, the MacArthur Lock closure resulted in a delay of 61 vessels at the locks for a total of 78 hours. Shipping companies are experiencing further delays as they are slowing down in the system and holding at dock facilities to minimize wait times at the Soo Locks facility.
   “These vessels cost thousands of dollars an hour to operate, but really the most important thing is we are delaying the movement of cargo,” Lake Carriers’ Association Vice President Glen Nekvasil said in a statement. “We have just so much time, about 10 months, to move our customers annual requirements. So, in this industry, the last thing you want to lose is time.”