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Mobile proceeds with port ICTF

Mobile proceeds with port ICTF

Alabama State Port Authority said it is moving forward on construction of the intermodal container transfer facility, the second element of it's Choctaw Point project.

   Mobile Container Terminal, which was the first part of the project, now has three services and is “rapidly growing,' said Jimmy Lyons, the port authority's director and chief executive officer. “The intermodal container transfer facility will add much-needed infrastructure to reduce the number of trucks on our highways eliminating both congestion and emissions. We are actively putting together financing plans for both the transfer facility and the logistics park.'

The Alabama State Port Authority has already begun site work for the future Intermodal Container Transfer Facility. The recently opened Mobile Container Terminal is in the background.

   The port said the facility will cost about $75 million and take three years to complete. It will connect the marine terminal with up to five Class I railroads.

   Lyons said all permits are in place and 95 percent of the engineering work for the project is completed. Funding will come from the port authority, the U.S. Department of Transportation and private sector.

   Preliminary site work for the facility is underway and is to be competed in June and site fill work is scheduled to begin in July.