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   The World Shipping Council, an organization representing 40 liner shipping companies on Monday expressed its support for Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, a U.S. Customs Service initiative.

   The WSC issued a statement saying its member lines intend to join C-TPAT, a government-business program intended to tighten supply chain security through building relationships between industry and the government.

   “The overwhelming majority of lines will be applying this very first week of the program, and we expect others to apply soon thereafter,” said Christopher Koch, WSC's president and chief executive officer.

   “The industry is highly supportive of (Customs) Commissioner Bonner’s C-TPAT initiative, and it will continue to cooperate with government programs designed to improve the security of America’s international trade.”

   Customs recently began offering open enrollment to sea, rail and air carriers. As part of the enrollment application, participants are asked to complete a questionnaire about their supply chain security practices, in addition to signing a memorandum of understanding.

   Koch said that international efforts, including those of the International Maritime Organization, are under way toward developing higher international security standards. “Soon, Congress will pass legislation to provide even more tools to do the job,” Koch said.

   Ultimately, C-TPAT membership will be available to brokers, warehouse operators, and manufacturers. To date, around 230 importers have agreed to participate in C-TPAT, Customs said.