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Oakland solicits bids for old army base

Oakland solicits bids for old army base

The Port of Oakland said it is soliciting bids for a portion of the former Oakland Army Base now owned by the Port of Oakland as well as other port lands and easements.

   The bid is for the master operation and maintenance, and long-term design, construction and finance of facilities of about 168 acres to support and enhance maritime activity. The port is seeking a business to lease the land for at least 30 years.

   “Public private partnerships like this reduce investment risk for the public sector, ensure long-term revenues, and provide economic stimulus that benefits the private partner, the port and the surrounding community both directly and indirectly.” said Omar Benjamin, the port’s executive director, “We are doing what we believe will help provide economic viability for our port in the future and will offer an excellent long-term business opportunity for our private sector partner that will be leasing the property.”

   Port Maritime Director James Kwon said, “A significant component of the long-term business plan will be to redevelop the land to maximize economic use of the area. This would be accomplished by supporting and enhancing maritime activity through cargo/marine terminal throughput, intermodal rail, trade and logistics businesses, and ancillary maritime support facilities.”

   For more information go here/a> and click on “RFQ Oakland Army Base.”