Commerce rules Chinese tissue paper dumped on U.S. market
The U.S. Commerce Department has ruled that Chinese tissue paper imports are being dumped on the American market.
In a final determination Feb. 4, the department calculated the same dumping rate for all Chinese tissue paper shippers at 112.64 percent. Dumping is the import of goods at a price below the home-market or a third-country price or below the cost of domestic production.
Imposition of antidumping duties requires final affirmative determinations from both the Commerce Department that dumping occurred, and from the U.S. International Trade Commission that the imports injured or threatened U.S. industry.
A final ITC determination on injury is expected in March. Meanwhile, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials will collect a cash deposit or bond on any imports of these products.
U.S. imports of Chinese tissue paper amounted to $18 million in 2003, compared to $8.6 million in 2002.