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   Panalpina Group, the international forwarding and logistics group, said it has completed its reorganization plan it introduced in September, which focuses on the group's regions and core activities.

   The reorganization creates four regional centers, led by regional chief executive officers, who are also members of the group's executive board. The regional CEOs and their regions are:

   * Gustav Zschiesche, Europe.

   * Christian Ryser, Americas.

   * Lars-Ola Gunnarsson, Asia Pacific.

   * Joerg Eggenberger, Africa, Mideast Commonwealth of Independent States.

   The reorganization also sets up four ASB companies, which focus on core competencies within the group:

   * ASB-Air, formerly SwissGlobalCargo, is Panalpina's in-house carrier for time definite and traditional air-freight services. Remo Eigenmann is managing director of the unit, which is responsible for purchasing most of the required air freight capacity, and bundles traffic flows on the main routes.

   * ASB-Sea organizes Panalpina Group's intercontinental sea freight services. The unit offers an Intelligent Carrier Portfolio, which cooperates with selected partners. Thomas Eisenblatter serves as managing director of ASB-Sea, which also provides door-to-door intermodal services and forwarding solutions incorporating road, rail and inland waterway transport.

   * ASB-PanProjects is an independent business division which focuses on global acquisition and implementation of project-related forwarding projects. The unit, headed by managing director Klaus Hilpert, focuses on plant construction, structural and civil engineering industries, and energy-sector and mining companies.

   * ASB-Oil&Gas, also an independent business division, focuses on freight business generated from the global oil and gas industry. The unit also comprises Panalpina's former Air Sea Broker West Africa Division.