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DLA team makes maiden mission outside U.S.

DLA team makes maiden mission outside U.S.

   A Defense Logistics Agency team has deployed to Afghanistan to stand up a distribution facility that will receive, store and issue material needed by U.S. military forces there, the first time the team will operate outside the continental United States.

   The intent is to help war fighters in Afghanistan reduce dependence on strategic airlift for restocking supplies, said Marc Parsons, director for the expeditionary depot.

   “Because of the rough terrain and lack of infrastructure in Afghanistan, having a DLA distribution facility in country to forward-position items will help reduce sustainment airlift and will help war fighters utilize air channels for much needed equipment and troop movements,” Parsons said.

   Staffed by civilians, the depot is a modular, scalable, deployable unit designed to improve theater distribution in the early days of a conflict, DLA said. While operations in Afghanistan have been ongoing for almost nine years, military logisticians continue to explore options for ensuring steady re-supply of troops despite the country’s lack of road and rail networks.

   “By positioning our expeditionary depot in country, early estimates are that we will be able to reduce sustainment airlift into Afghanistan by 38 percent,” said Navy Rear Adm. Thomas Traaen, DLA distribution commander.

   The 40-person team, made up of employees from DLA’s distribution centers in New Cumberland, Pa.; Texarkana, Texas; and Tracy, Calif., underwent intense theater-specific pre-deployment training hosted by the Army Corps of Engineers at the Unit Deployment Center in Winchester, Va., said Paul Plevich, the depot’s operations and training officer.

   For this mission, officials said, the expeditionary depot’s warehouses will mainly support Army and Marine Corps customers.

   “The warehouses will house repair parts such as kit assemblies, subassemblies, clothing, reparable consumable items required for maintenance support of all equipment, as well as construction materials,” Parsons said.