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Cyber security firm details threat to maritime industry

A white paper from CyberKeel lays out motivations and mechanics of attacks, as well as protections and strategies.

   A new white paper by the maritime cyber security consultant CyberKeel finds that virtually all aspects of the maritime industry are vulnerable to cyber attacks.
   The report, “Maritime Cyber-Risk,” details the three primary motivations for attacks (money, cargo and information), gives examples of recent attacks, and provides ways companies can protect themselves.
   “Awareness in relation to cyber security in the maritime sector as a whole appears to be very low,” said CyberKeel Chief Executive Officer Lars Jensen, who is also CEO of maritime consultant SeaIntel. “When cyber security is considered, it is often from a technical angle. However, successful cyber attacks most often include an element of social engineering — or in other words, playing tricks on people and not computers. Therefore any successful defensive strategy must include modification of existing business processes, as well as a concerted effort in increasing security awareness and behavior across all employees in the industry.”
   Jensen said CyberKeel will also launch a cross-industry forum specifically aimed at addressing cyber security threats from both a tactical and strategic angle. The forum will seek to provide maritime stakeholders with the means to share information on attack profiles to be able to thwart attacks more quickly, as well as work on the establishment of voluntary standards and guidelines aimed at heightening cyber security levels without unduly jeopardizing business efficiency.