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WTSA to raise rates on “protein” cargo

WTSA to raise rates on “protein” cargo

WTSA to raise rates on “protein” cargo

Shipping lines in the Westbound Transpacific Stabilization Agreement are recommending increases to freight rates for refrigerated U.S.-Asia shipments of beef, pork and poultry, effective July 1.

   WTSA member lines say they intend to raise so-called 'protein' rates by $400 per FEU for port-to-port cargo, and by $600 per FEU for inland point and mini-landbridge intermodal shipments. Proportionate increases will be applied to other equipment sizes and cargo otherwise rated. For rates constructed as a port-to-port rate plus inland add-on, the water portion will be raised by $400 and the inland add-on by $200.

   Local door shipments to Busan will see another $150 per FEU added to existing inland add-on charges or to through rates, on top of the overall increase described above. For all other inland Korea destinations the additional charge will be $400 per FEU. Finally, in cases where carriers provide U.S. West Coast container freight station services to exporters for frozen cargo, the West Coast CFS charge will be raised to $550 per FEU.