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Norfolk Southern shuffles senior management

   Charles “Wick” Moorman will give up his duties as president of Norfolk Southern Corp. to James Squires, who has been promoted from vice president administration, effective June 1, the company announced Friday along with a series of changes at the vice presidential level.
   Moorman will remain chairman and chief executive officer of the Norfolk, Va.-based Class I freight railroad.
   In his new role, Squires will be responsible for the company’s administration, finance, legal and corporate relations, planning and information technology divisions.
   Cindy C. Earhart, vice president of human resources, will take over Squires’ current position, and Juan K. Cunningham will head human resources. He is currently assistant vice president executive.
   Meanwhile, Daniel Smith, senior vice president energy and properties will retire effective July 1 after 37 years with the company.
   Also, effective July 1 David T. Lawson, currently vice president industrial products, will become vice president coal marketing, while Michael R. McClellan, vice president intermodal and automotive marketing, will become vice president industrial products. 
   Jeffrey R. Heller, vice president international intermodal, will take McClellan’s current portfolio. – Eric Kulisch