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C-TPAT office gets new director

C-TPAT office gets new director

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has shuffled personnel for two key positions that deal with controlling imports and exports

   Lawrence Rosenzweig has been named director of the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, the post Sept. 11, 2001 program for enlisting companies to voluntarily tighten security over their supply chains and those of their foreign suppliers, said Todd Owen, executive director of CBP's Cargo and Conveyance Security Office at an industry conference in Washington. Owen himself was C-TPAT director until being promoted in March to his current position.

   Rosenzweig was acting director of the Office of Trade Relations, the agency's liaison with the trade community. Russell Ugone, a long-time CBP employee who spent the past 14 months on detail to the Senate Finance Committee, replaced him in that capacity. Prior to lending expertise to Congress, Ugone worked on former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge's operations integration staff, responsible for coordinating incident management efforts such as the National Response Plan and the Homeland Security Operations Centers. Ugone worked for many years in CBP's Office of Field Operations.