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Summers, Bambach tapped for management roles at CCM

Summers, Bambach tapped for management roles at CCM

Consolidated Chassis Management LLC has appointed Martin D. Summers to general manager of pool operations.

   Based in Houston, Summers will oversee CCM’s Gulf consolidated chassis pool, which started July 14.

   Summers previously worked for Road and Rail Services, Intermodal Maintenance Solutions, and Atlantic Technical Services.

   CCM also appointed Gene Bambach to general manager of pool operations for its Chicago-based regional chassis pool, scheduled to begin later this year. He previously worked for GE Rail, Redon, and Xtra Intermodal.

   CCM is an emerging national program forming chassis pools at port and inland intermodal locations throughout the United States. The pool is based on a cooperative model developed by the Ocean Carrier Equipment Management Association, which includes 21 liner carrier members.

   CCM has more than 100,000 chassis under management at pools in Denver; Salt Lake City; Jacksonville and Tampa. Fla.; Memphis and Nashville, Tenn.; Charleston, S.C.; Atlanta and Savannah, Ga.; Charlotte and Wilmington, N.C.; St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo.; Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, El Paso, Laredo and San Antonio, Texas; and New Orleans.