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24-hour strike action to impact UPS hub in Cologne

UPS pilots have elected not to cross the picket line of ground handlers at the Cologne Bonn airport in Germany.

   About 80 unionized UPS pilots working in Cologne, Germany, will honor the picket lines of ver.di at the Cologne Bonn airport.  The strike was scheduled to last 24 hours beginning at midnight local Germany time Wednesday.
   Ver.di represents the ground staff at the Cologne Bonn airport. The UPS pilots are represented by the Independent Pilots Association.
   The IPA estimated about 60 UPS flights will be impacted by the strike action.
   “UPS understands that an anticipated public sector strike in Cologne could impact its operations. We are unable to determine the impact and are taking actions to mitigate potential delays. We are relying upon our integrated network and will divert volume from air to road where appropriate,” UPS said in a statement provided to American Shipper.