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July cargo volumes down at Hong Kong International Airport

The airport attributed the 1.9 percent year-over-year decrease in cargo volumes to a 5 percent year-over-year decline in transshipments.

   The Hong Kong International Airport reported cargo volumes fell 1.9 percent to 363,000 tons in July compared to July 2014. The airport attributed the decline primarily to a 5 percent year-over-year decrease in transshipments.
   Cargo throughput to and from mainland China, Taiwan and Europe underperformed other primary regions in July, according to the airport.
   The Hong Kong International Airport on July 16 welcomed Sky Lease Cargo, which launched cargo flights to Miami twice a week with its Boeing 747 freighter.
   Overall, in the first seven months of 2015, the airport handled 2.46 million tons of cargo, and on a rolling 12 month basis, the airport handled 4.38 million tons of cargo, up 0.2 percent and 2.4 percent, respectively, from the same period the previous year.