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U.S. agency sponsors briefing on Iraq railroad reconstruction

U.S. agency sponsors briefing on Iraq railroad reconstruction

   Iraqi officials will brief U.S. companies Feb. 2 about business opportunities to help reconstruct the war-ravaged nation’s railway system.

   The meeting will be held at the offices of the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, in Arlington, Va.

   Senior officials of Iraqi Railways are expected to outline their maintenance, repair and procurement needs for locomotives, rail cars, intermodal facilities, container-handling equipment and information technology. Much of the rail system is out of service because of damaged track caused by looters and the railroad’s lack of spare parts to fix locomotives and rail cars. Capacity is also constrained by the lack of a working signals and communications network.

   Last year Congress allocated $210 million for the reconstruction of the Iraqi railway system under an emergency supplemental appropriations act.

   Firms interested in registering for the briefing should contact Mike Koeppen or David Elliott at (202) 429-5245, or send an e-mail to

   The event is open to U.S. firms only and is expected to fill to capacity. Early registration is strongly encouraged.