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Bellingham port continues with waterfront redevelopment

Bellingham port continues with waterfront redevelopment

Demolition of structures at the former Georgia-Pacific site at the Port of Bellingham, Wash., continues this week as the port and city move forward with the major waterfront redevelopment project.

   The three long metal warehouses, located along Whatcom Waterway on 137 acres of waterfront property acquired from Georgia-Pacific by the port in 2005, were deemed too rundown for refurbishment. One of the three warehouses was removed last week and the two remaining structures are scheduled to be pulled down this week under a $411,000 port contract with demolition firm Nuprecon.

   Earlier this month Nuprecon demolished a dilapidated two-story brick storage building on the site, and also this summer will remove a former chlorine manufacturing building.

   Georgia-Pacific continues to operate a tissue-making mill on property leased from the port.

   The port's ambitious redevelopment plan calls for the construction of a new public marina, a marine park, 'green' buildings, and the restoration of sensitive marine habitat at the site.