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Hactl grows cargo volumes 1.7% in 2016

Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Ltd. handled a total of 1.65 million metric tons of airfreight for the full year in 2016, a record for the terminal operator and a 1.7 percent improvement from the previous year.

   Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Ltd. (Hactl) handled a total of 1.65 million metric tons of airfreight for the full year in 2016, a record for the terminal operator and a 1.7 percent improvement from the previous year.
   Transshipments via Hactl jumped 29.6 percent compared with 2015, while mail, courier and other express traffic grew 8.4 percent, and overall exports were up 2.1 percent.
   Imports, on the other hand, fell 8.3 percent year-over-year, but Hactl officials noted the negative growth trend reversed in the fourth quarter, with exports rising in each of the last three months in 2016.
   “From a disappointing start, 2016 shaped up to be a very satisfactory year for Hactl and its airline customers. The best results showed in the second half, and are hopefully indicative of a more settled picture for global air cargo that will continue into 2017,” Hactl Chief Executive Mark Whitehead said in a statement.