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MAC Cargo Handling formed

MAC Cargo Handling formed

   Mercury Air Group announced the start of MAC Cargo Handling, a joint venture between its subsidiary Mercury Air Cargo and three veteran ground-handling executives, Anthony Bonino, Steve Ballard and Philip Scherer.

   'Together, we will be able to offer an innovative approach for airlines to save money and actually help them make money through improvements to their air cargo handling operations,' said Joseph A. Czyzyk, chairman and chief executive officer of Mercury Air Group, in a statement.

   MAC Cargo Handling will focus on providing airlines with experienced manpower and operations to improve their bottom line and service levels. The company will also be on the lookout for potential acquisitions.

   'We believe that there are opportunities throughout the United States and we look forward to the challenges that lie ahead,' Bonino said.

   Mercury Air Cargo provides air cargo services in its own warehouse facilities on airports in Los Angeles, Atlanta and Montreal. At Los Angeles International Airport, the company operates the largest on-airport refrigeration unit on the West Coast.