Delmas, the shipping line specialized in the African
trades, is ending its long-established direct liner service between North America and West
The service’s last sailing will leave New York on Nov. 10.
Delmas will shut down its office in Houston.
Delmas was previously one of the few carriers to provide direct service
between the U.S. East Coast, the Gulf and West Africa. The America Africa Line service
called about every 25 days at Philadelphia, Pa.; Savannah; Houston; New York; Dakar;
Abidjan; Port Harcourt; Lagos; Douala; and Takoradi.
Delmas will no longer employ ships in the direct trade between the U.S.
and West Africa, but it may now move cargoes to and from West Africa by transshipment over
Europe, the company said.
The withdrawal of Delmas’ West African direct service follows the
ending by Maersk Line earlier this year of a direct U.S. East Coast multipurpose service
to and from West Africa and South Africa.
Details on the remaining operators of direct services between the U.S.
and West Africa are posted on ComPairData, the global shipping database, at