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New Orleans funds Katrina repairs

New Orleans funds Katrina repairs

The Port of New Orleans' Board of Commissioners has approved nearly $2 million for repairs and other work.

   The board awarded a $938,363 contract to Kenner, La.-based Augustino Brothers Inc. for repairing Hurricane Katrina damage to the Port’s Henry Clay Avenue and Milan Street Wharf sheds and a truck maintenance facility at 4001 France Road.

   New Orleans-based Hamp’s Construction LLC was awarded an $822,700 contract to repair port-wide fencing and gate components damaged during the storm.

   Kenner-based Firetrol Protection Systems Inc. was given a $220,000 contract to install a new dry pipe fire suppression system at the Lower Julia-Upper Poydras Street Wharf.

   The port also approved a 10-year Foreign Trade Zone Operating Agreement with Halliburton Energy Services to help the oilfield services firm procure new business opportunities.

   The board declared 4.1 acres of land at 4500 North Dorgenois Street surplus and will sell it to Better Boxing Co. Inc., which previously purchased a port-owned 80,000-square-foot warehouse located on the property.

   Crosby Construction LLC will lease eight acres of land and a 68,000-square-foot building at 5601 France Rd. Crosby plans to build modular homes on the site. The five-year agreement contains an option for an additional five-year period.