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Los Angeles rail authority issues terrorism report

Los Angeles rail authority issues terrorism report

   The Orange North-American Trade Rail Access Corridor Joint Powers Authority and the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp. have released a report warning of the consequences of a terrorist attack on strategic rail corridors.

   The report said a 10-day shutdown of the Alameda Corridor East, as the result of a terrorist attack, would affect the U.S. economy as much as the shutdown in 2002 of West Coast ports.

   Such a shutdown would cost $414 million in disruption value for each day of duration, the report said.

   The study noted the U.S. Treasury collects 45 percent of all Customs revenue from products that go through Southern California’s ports and rail corridors. “None of that revenue is used to reinvest in the country’s trade corridors or intermodal systems,” the authority said in a statement.