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Virginia kicks off intermodal study with freight forum

Virginia kicks off intermodal study with freight forum

   Virginia is undertaking its first statewide multimodal study on freight transportation, and will kick off the study at a freight forum Monday hosted by state Secretary of Transportation Pierce Homer.

   The study will consider how to improve the movement of goods by truck, rail, air and water, including an inventory of Virginia's existing freight network, identification of current and future deficiencies, and analysis of the impact of freight movement on the commonwealth's economy. Policy and project-level recommendations will be developed.

   The Statewide Multimodal Freight Study is a key initiative of the Virginia's Multimodal Office, and is a cooperative effort among transportation agencies including the Virginia Port Authority, and the state departments of Rail and Public Transportation, Aviation, Motor Vehicles, and Transportation.

   The forum will be held 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday at the Chesapeake Conference Center, 900 Greenbrier Circle, Chesapeake, Va. Those interested can track the study online at