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   Capt. William G. Schubert was unanimously confirmed by the Senate late last week to serve as the new administrator for the U.S. Maritime Administration.

   Schubert, who has spent 27 years in the maritime industry, has served in top management positions in the private sector as well as at MarAd.

   “His years of experience, including his years at sea, government service, and expertise gained as a maritime consultant will be invaluable to us as we move forward to secure our nation in the months and years ahead,” said Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta, after Schubert’s confirmation.

   Schubert highlighted the importance of MarAd and the U.S.-flag merchant marine in the country’s war against terrorism.

   “Now more than ever, it is crucial to have a strong, viable and commercially competitive merchant fleet to support our troops as the nation’s fourth arm of defense,” he said. “As Maritime Administrator, I will do all I can to assure the nation that our commercial fleet will continue to be the best in the world.”

   Schubert also emphasized the need to coordinate policy with the maritime industry, labor unions and government agencies to ensure the security of all U.S. ports and vessels entering U.S. ports. Maintaining shipbuilding and repair facilities and efficient intermodal transportation systems will be important in supporting the war effort.

   “In view of our tremendous mission that lies ahead, it is important that the government, private industry and labor communicate on a regular basis,” Schubert said. “Everyone must do their part to ensure safe transportation as the U.S. moves forward with her allies.”