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Maersk Sealand introduces more powerful reefer containers

Maersk Sealand introduces more powerful reefer containers

   Maersk Sealand will introduce in 2004 refrigerated containers that can maintain a temperature as low as -35 degrees C (-31 degrees F) at ambient temperature up to 50 degrees C (122 degrees F).

   Called “Magnum,” the reefer containers have “one of the highest cooling capacities in the market,” Maersk Sealand said. The global carrier said the reefer containers have been developed for the seafood industry.

   Fatty fish such as herring, mackerel and sardine, is said to benefit from the lower carriage temperature. Additionally there are studies in which certain types of shell fish and ice cream will benefit from the carriage at the very low temperature, Maersk Sealand said.