The U.S. Census Bureau said it’s ready to start testing recent enhancements to its Internet-link to the Automated Export System.
“Our goal is to eliminate as much burden on the trade community as possible,” said Charles A. Woods, assistant division chief of Census’ Foreign Trade Division. “We want to keep in step with the current U.S. business environment.”
One of the enhancements will give shippers, forwarders and third-party Internet software providers the ability to link their systems directly to AESDirect without having to re-key export data. Census says three to four companies will begin testing this new web-link function in June.
AESDirect will also start accepting batched electronic export data in Customs’ proprietary format. The system already accepts batches in ANSI X12 format.
“Besides the additional reporting flexibility, this gives the industry a backup if Customs’ system should shutdown,” Woods said. “More flexible batching capabilities also helps the industry to reduce its telecommunications costs.”