Small ports in Southern Oregon will get funds for maintenance.
Gov. John Kithaber said five ports in Southern Oregon will be dredged, thanks to $4.15 million in federal funds.
“I am pleased these ports now have the funds to be dredged this summer, but Oregon’s coastal communities deserve greater assurance that dredge funds are not episodic,” said Kitzhaber.
The operations and maintenance fund is ensured by Oregon’s congressional delegation’s work to direct money to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers budget for the maintenance of small ports and emerging harbors.
Kitzhaber said the ports will receive the following funding: Chetco (Brookings), $180,000; Coquille (Bandon), $467,000; Rogue River (Gold Beach), $1,585,000; Siuslaw, $894,000; and Umpqua (Reedsport), $1,025,000.