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Don’t let freight hop away

Don’t let freight hop away

Logistics security firm Freightwatch warns shippers, manufacturers and transportation companies to be aware of the increased security risks during the Easter weekend.

   “Holidays can cause long delays for drivers attempting to deliver loads. These delays will increase the risk to drivers and loads in-transit by leaving them vulnerable for longer periods of time,” said Dan Burges, senior director, intelligence in a memo from FreightWatch.

   “Holiday weekends are notorious for high volumes of cargo theft activity, especially at terminals and drop yards where loaded trailers are parked for long periods of time. As shown in a December report by FreightWatch, cargo theft rose by 28 percent over holiday weekends, when loads are at far greater risk due to being left stationary and unattended.”

   It suggests warehouses should ensure your security alarm systems are functioning properly, treat all alarm trouble signals as an intrusion alarm, not rely on a backup cellular/radio systems, and assign a security officer to patrol facility exterior if the primary alarm fails.

   Drivers should remain vigilant and maintain communication with their dispatch when stopped at high risk areas such as truck stops and rest areas. Loads should not be dropped or left unattended for any reason.