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OOCL adds second North Europe/Baltic loop

OOCL adds second North Europe/Baltic loop

Kong-based Orient Overseas Container Line has consolidated its existing three
Scan Baltic Express services into two loops in the North Europe/Baltic trade,
effective early June.

   The “Scan Baltic Express” service will be split into two separate dedicated fixed-day weekly service schedules using a total of five modern ice-breaking vessels.

   The “SBX1” will use three 600-TEU vessels calling Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg, Gdansk, St. Petersburg, Gdansk, Hamburg, Rotterdam, St. Petersburg and Rotterdam.

   The additional “SBX2” will deploy two vessels averaging 550 TEUs and have a port rotation of Rotterdam, Grangemouth, Hull, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Klaipeda, Helsinki, Hamina and Rotterdam.

   OOCL said containers to and from Asia, Australia and North America can be relayed via Rotterdam and Antwerp to and from the SBX loops.