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L.A. port officials seek federal authority to reorganize FTZ

L.A. port officials seek federal authority to reorganize FTZ

   The Port of Los Angeles Board of Commissioners has applied to the U.S. Commerce Department seeking to reorganize and shrink the total acreage of the foreign trade zone area the port oversees.

   The application, formally filed with Commerce's Foreign-Trade Zones Board on Dec. 19, was announced in a Federal Register item published Tuesday.

   The Los Angeles port plan will remove 400 acres across five port-managed FTZ sites, expand two sites by nearly 80 acres, combine two sites into a newly designated single site, and create a new 8.5-acre site. The total change will be a net decrease of just under 330 acres throughout the port-managed 5,700-acre FTZ. Collectively known as FTZ 202, the port's FTZ comprises 22 fixed and one temporary site spread across port facilities, industrial parks and warehouse facilities in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Kern and Riverside Counties.

   Public comment on the FTZ application should be addressed to the FTZ Board’s Office of the Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Room 2111, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230. Deadline for comments is March 10.