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Richmond port moves forward with auto terminal expansion

Richmond port moves forward with auto terminal expansion

Officials from the California Bay Area Port of Richmond have certified the final version of an environmental impact report for a $30 million auto terminal expansion.

   The approval sets the stage for work to begin early next year on upgrades and expansion of the Point Potrero Marine Terminal.

   When completed late next year, the facility will be used by Portland-based auto processor Auto Warehouse Co. to import vehicles manufactured by Japan-based automaker Honda. Auto Warehousing uses the existing facility to import about 100,000 vehicles made by South Korean carmakers Hyundai and Kia. The expansion of the facility will see Auto Warehousing bring in about 145,000 Honda vehicles a year, with about a quarter headed for Northern California Honda dealers and the remainder headed to the Midwest via rail.

   Port of Richmond officials expect to have a fully negotiated lease with Auto Warehousing ready for City Council approval by the end of the month.

   In addition to berth improvements, the expansion plans call for upgrades to rail handling equipment, a realignment of current rail lines and access highways, and the construction of an on-dock rail yard at the terminal, removing the current need to truck arriving cars to a nearby off-terminal BNSF rail yard.

Hyundai and Kia cars at Point Potrero Marine Terminal in Richmond. Public use photo by Michael Layefsky