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Enhanced commercial export assistance tool covers 120 countries

The new Country Commercial Guides are prepared by trade and economic specialists at U.S. embassies and consulates to highlight market conditions in each country, according to a statement from the U.S. Department of Commerce.

   The U.S. Department of Commerce has released an enhanced export assistance tool that allows companies to gain market research information for more than 120 countries.
   The free Country Commercial Guides are prepared by trade and economic specialists at U.S. embassies and consulates to highlight market conditions in each country, the Commerce Department said.
   Each guide features the latest insights into “high-demand” industries, as well as market-by-market economic overviews, selling techniques, investment considerations, trade financing options, and business travel advice and resources. The guide will help U.S. companies identify opportunities not only in popular markets, but also in many other less crowded markets.
   “The guide’s new streamlined format makes it easier for U.S. businesses to obtain the latest information on commercial and investment opportunities in today’s ever-changing global marketplace,” Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade Stefan M. Selig said in a statement.
   According to the Commerce Department, U.S. exports in 2014 reached a record $2.34 trillion, with merchandise exports supporting an estimated record 11.7 million U.S. jobs.
   The Country Commercial Guides are produced by the International Trade Administration’s U.S. Commercial Service.

Chris Gillis

Located in the Washington, D.C. area, Chris Gillis primarily reports on regulatory and legislative topics that impact cross-border trade. He joined American Shipper in 1994, shortly after graduating from Mount St. Mary’s College in Emmitsburg, Md., with a degree in international business and economics.