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COSCO, YM launch Black Sea service

New Piraeus-Turkey-Black Sea Express loop aims to enhance the carriers’ feeder networks via Piraeus.

   Ocean carriers COSCO and Yang Ming will launch a new weekly service connecting key ports in Greece and Turkey with the Black Sea in mid-May, according to a statement from the COSCO.
   The Chinese carrier said the Piraeus-Turkey-Black Sea Express (TBX) is intended to enhance the its feeder network via Piraeus. The service will be operated with two vessels with an average capacity of 1,600 TEUs. The port rotation of the TBX will be Piraeus, Istanbul (Kumport), Novorossisk, Constantza, Varna, Istanbul (Kumport), Thessaloniki, and Piraeus.
   COSCO noted it currently offers two other independent regional feeder services to Piraeus. Its AGT loop operates with three 1,200-TEU vessels on a port rotation of Piraeus, Rijeka, Koper, Venice, Ancona, Piraeus, Thessalonik, Istanbul (Kumport), Haydapasa, Yilport, Izmir, and Piraeus. The carrier’s one 1,000-TEU vessel PNX loop serves exclusively between Piraeus and Naples, Italy.
   COSCO also said it offers nine direct weekly calls to Piraeus via its Asia-Mediterranean and North Europe mainline services.
   According to ocean carrier schedule and capacity database BlueWater Reporting, COSCO calls at Piraeus in both directions on four of the CKYHE Alliance loops between Asia and Europe – the NE2, NE7, MD1/PM1, and ADR. The carrier also takes slots on the joint Ocean3 Alliance and Yang Ming BEX service, which calls Piraeus eastbound en route to Asia from the Black Sea region.